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Past Winners

2017/18 Winners

Congratulations to Mimi in grade 11

 for being September's EcoHero! She uses reusable spoons, straws, and grocery bags. She buys a lot of second hand clothing, reusing clothes. She is caring about the environment by spreading the word out to her friends and family. She plants trees and bikes to school. She recycles at home and cleans up her neighborhood. 

Congratulations to Shifa in grade 11 on being December/January's EcoHero! She encourages her friends and family to be eco friendly by recycling, composting and reusing many items around the home. She is also mindful of her engery usage and actively works to reduce her carbon footprint. 

Congragulations to Sayma in grade 11 on being April's Ecohero winner! She shows her love for the environment by recycling, using reusable containers and saving electricity. She has also created an infographic video that demonstrates the impacts of E-Waste, a growing issue for the environment. 

Congratulations to Nada in grade 11

 for being October's EcoHero! Nada has planted wildflowers for the bees, she has encouraged her friends and family to make an effort in saving the bees as their population declines. 

Congratulations Aaryon in grade 10 on being November's EcoHero! He encourages friends to clean up the environment. He refuses to litter and cleans up litter from others as well!

Congratulations to Manal in grade 11 for being February/March's EcoHero winner! Manal works hard to reduce her carbon footprint by recycling, composting and biking. She also cleans up litter and plants trees in her neighbourhood.

Congratulations to Jill in grade 9 on being May and this year's final ecohero winner! She always takes out the recycling quickly, effectively and without complaint. She also tries hard to reduce her carbon footprint.

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