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Past Winners

February's EcoHero is Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams walks to school to cut down on emissions, he doesn't waste paper and makes sure to recycle. He also reuses pop cans for chemistry labs. Way to go Mr. Williams!

March's EcoHero is Angela. Angela uses reusable bags when shopping, uses a bamboo toothbrush, walks wherever she can, reuses clothing and is also pursuing a university degree in environmental sciences. 

April's EcoHero is Marty. Marty t is passionate about the environment and enjoys biking to get around. He also makes a conscious effort to recycle, compost and buy eco-friendly products. He's also pursuing a university degree in environmental sciences. 

May's EcoHero is Mrs. Richardson. She is the amazing teacher who runs EcoRavens and is also an excellent example of an EcoHero. Not only does she run a club dedicated to helping the environment but she also makes a conscious effort to be green by doing things like recycling and cleaning up garbage.

2016/17 Winners

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